COMP343 - Problem Set 1
Below you’ll find the required reading and problems for this assignment. In order to focus your reading, you should check out the problems prior to doing the reading.
Read the following:
- Computing Machinery and Intelligence by Turing. Skim sections 3-5 and focus on the remainder of the paper.
- Do a close read of *1.1, 1.4 and 1.5** from the textbook.
- Do a quick read of 1.2 and 1.3 from the textbook.
All exercises can be found here. Direct links to problems are given for convenience.
Research and Exploration
Exercise 18 asks you to hit the web and find out about the current state of the art AI for specific tasks. You do not need to look into this list specifically, but should pick one or two tasks that are of particular interest to you and research those. You’ll be doing a research survey at the end of the semester; this is task will, ideally, kick start that process.