COMP151 - Homework 3
Due in-class on Friday 9/13
Complete problems 4.15,4.16,4.17, 4.26, 4.27, 4.28, and one of the problems described below.
- Write a program that takes an image and red-ifies the top third, green-ifies the middle third, and blue-ifies the bottom third. The image should still be clear. Don’t make three solid blocks of color. Modify the pixels so that the intensity stays the same but the color changes.
- Write a program that splits an image into thirds of increasing grey intensity, i.e. top third is light grey, the middle third is grey, and the bottom third is dark grey.
Submit a single python document for the assignment. Non-code based answers to questions should be written as comments within the document. Do not comment out function definitions unless they contain an error that you cannot fix. The document must load without error.